What are some signs of having gaul-bladder issues? - gaul bladder pollips
I think I could havin Gaul bladder attack = (
What are some signs of having gaul-bladder issues? - gaul bladder pollips
I think I could havin Gaul bladder attack = (
Cholecystitis (ko-lee-sis-ti-TIS) is an infection of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small sac near the liver that stores bile. Bile helps break food, especially fats. The gallbladder may be swollen and irritated. A common cause of cholecystitis is gallstones. Pain from gallstones is biliary colic.
Many people have gallstones but do not know. A stone may stay in the gallbladder or pass without causing problems. Sometimes the stone is stuck on their way out of the gallbladder.
Causes: Gallstones are a common cause of cholecystitis. You can use the probability and gallstones, if her parents had. Other causes are obesity, with many children, or too much alcohol. Eating foods high in fat can cause cholecystitis.
Signs / symptoms: you have no symptoms. But you can) belly (abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, or jaundice (yellow skin or eyes). They feel swollen (bloated), unable to eat fatty foods or burp more than usual.
Care: You need ASPIRIN, acetaminophen (uh-c-tuh-min o-fin) or ibuprofen (i-Bew-pro-fin) for pain. Rest until you feel better. You may need to be reexamined in the hospital for further examinations or treatments. You may need surgery to remove the gallbladder.
/ What to do, what not to do: Drink clear liquids (water, apple juice) during an attack. No food. To prevent further attacks, not to eat food that gives you heartburn. Try foods, low fat eating.
My husband went there. He had to have it removed. If these attacks (especially at night), where he said he felt his stomach would explode, and it is only in the nodes. As a rule would, last 3 to 6 hours. In reality, these spells have been amortized over 2 years. We went to the emergency room once and told her that she was lactose intolerant. Well after 2 years he returned and said that his gallbladder had to leave. Since then, no further attacks. I also had a family like this. Do you have in your family?
be a gallbladder attack, suddenly, almost like heartburn in the middle of the sternum, then these strange Wil, burning, tingling, pressure from the membrane to the outside. If I have me, I'm afraid the shit out of me so bad, I thought I was a heart attack. Then as quickly as it came, it remained. In addition, the shit of his brain is late) to (. If your gallbladder is triggered, and does not work, singing, a process of body fat, and now, if you want to eat a pork roll, egg and cheese, you have to literally run to the toilet, and if not fast enough, It an accident ... is terrible.
then like 6 months later, everything that makes you eat, you run right into the bathroom. Not more than 20 meters from a bahroom (no joke). then for a year and a half you can not eat that fat / oil, or are activated directly on the other side (again) not a joke. My doctor told me, "Oh, after the surgery you can eat almost back to "..... normal is a damned liar. But after 2 years, intellectual propertyRomi is better ... They learn the foods that bother you. Mine had done .. (???) 3 years ago and still can not eat or eggs.ask checked by your doctor for your gallbladder. We hope you feel better
PAIN !!!!!! There may be several different places and it hurts very badly.
From About.com:
The symptoms of gallbladder
* Constant, severe pain in the abdomen, increases rapidly and lasts 30 minutes to several hours,
* Pain in the back between the shoulder blades
* Pain in the right shoulder
* Nausea or vomiting
* Flatulence
* Recurrent fatty food intolerance
* Colicb (I do not know what that is ... that adults are colic?)
* Belching
* Gas
* Indigestion
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